Tuesday, May 22, 2012

News Briefs

Who: Travis Logan - Senior
What: He is the 1st Place winner at district DECA competition
When: About 2 weeks ago
Where: Union College
Why: His goal is to take first in state competition and then go to nationals
How: He will compete in state competition in April. 

Summary lead, version 1

Local students placed in DECA competition held at Union College. 
Summary lead, version 2

Travis Logan placed first at DECA competition and other students won honorable mention. 
Summary lead, version 3

A win at the local DECA competition allows senior, Travis Logan, to head to State competition. 

Story (2 to 3 paragraphs)

Students competed in the local DECA competition, where many of them dominated the competition. Travis Logan, a senior, took first place in visual merchandising. Other winners included, Dee Contreras, who placed second in a written test. Duncan Pfiffer, took home honorable mention in role play. Logan looks forward to moving on to State competition, with hopes of making the national competition in Florida. 

Who: Girls in grade 10-12
What: Come out to Color Guard try-outs 
When: Tuesday May 25th through Thursday May 27th
Where: On School campus on the west side parking lot. 
Why: Those interested in joining marching band in the fall 
How: Girls can come out and audition and if chosen they will be part of Color Guard next school year. 

Summary lead, version 1

Akins High School holds auditions for girls, grades 10th-12th, for Akins Color Guard Squad.

Summary lead, version 2

Color Guard try-outs were held during Tuesday and Thursday of this May. 

Summary lead, version 3

Ms. Barker is looking for a talented group of girls in grades tenth through twelfth to join her Color Guard squad during the 2012-2013 school year. 

Story (2 to 3 paragraphs)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Architecture Photos






News Lead


Rosenbergs' Sons

They were famous orphans because their parents were killed during the Cold War in Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets.

June 18, 1953

Sing Sing, Ossing, New York

They were celebrating their parent's 14th anniversary.

They wanted to prove that their parent's were innocent and that they didn't deserve to die.

They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. Then they were whisked from an unwanted limelight to urban anonymity and eventually to suburban obscurity.

New Lead:
The famous orphans during the cold war were very young at the age of 6 and 10 in 1953, when there parents were executed for giving out atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. Now they are trying to prove their parents innocence.


Comic book collectors

 The original  "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, which is a superman comic book is for sale after being untouched.

 Present Day

 New York

 Comic book collectors know that this limited "untouched" edition of the comic book will make big bucks for all the die hard comic book collectors out there.

They plan to sell it on comicconnect.com

After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday.
New Lead:
The original, "Action Comics No. 1" comic, will return at an anticipated price of $400,000. 

Test Post

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Architecture Shoot Preview

Trip to France

1.) This photo meets the requirements of a detailed architecture photo. Instead of getting a wide shot of the building, the photographer decided to zoom in the photo and focus on the details of the eiffel tower. You can see the many details that were required in building this tower.

Palladio’s dream

2.) This photo follows the rule of lighting for architecture photos. This is a dramatic photo because of the way the artificial lighting is being shown. The photographer also took this from a unique angle that really displays the lighting well. The lighting bounces off the ceiling and walls to make the room look dramatic.

Void of Silence

3.) This photo follows the rule of patterns because there is a repeated pattern in the walkway of this building. This creates a dynamic photo and makes the building look a million miles long! It also lets in natural lighting in the opening of the archways.

SOH Sails

4.) This building follows the rule of shapes and angles. This building has an unusual shape and the photographer uses this as an opportunity to capture a beautiful image. Instead of having just right angles, there are multiple angles being shown in this picture.

Hohenzollern Bridge and the Dome of Cologne

5.) This photo shows the rule of surroundings. By capturing the building with the bridge and water, it really brings out the building and creates a stunning image.