Monday, September 26, 2011

Africa Powerpoint

1. On your blog post your reactions to the power point
This powerpoint was really interesting and I was able to see all of the animals that live in the Africa wild. This powerpoint almost made me feel as if i was in Africa with the animals. The pictures were really detailed and showed the animals in their natural habitat. 

2. What was your favorite photo? Describe it and tell me why its your favorite
My favorite photo was the one where the elephants are forming a line and there is a blank background. This photo is very dynamic because it seems as if the elephants are coming towards you and are going to come out of the picture. I love the fact that it is in black and white because it makes the photo seem more dynamic. Overall this photo is really cool and made me want to go and visit africa. 

3. Look up the photographer –
a.     What kind of camera did he use?
He used a Pentax 6711 camera with only two fixed lenses. 

b.     What is his reason for taking the photos?
He takes these photos because it is his goal to record the life of  these animals as a testament to these wild animals and places before they are all gone. He wants to almost create an elegy for these animals.

c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
His hope is to capture these animals in their state of being and for people to see them in their natural way of existence, before they are all extinct. 

d.     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog
     Brandt states,"The photos are my elegy to these beautiful creatures, to this wrenchingly beautiful world that is steadily, tragically vanishing before our eyes."

4. Find one of his photos that you really like and post it on your blog.

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