School name: McCallum High School
School location, exact location:
5600 Sunshine Drive Austin, TX 78756
School size: big school around, 2,000 students
How many pages is the book? 256 pages
How many sections are in the book? 7 sections
List the sections in the book
Student Life
The Arts
What sports are played at that school?
Basketball, Softball, Baseball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, FOotball, Track, Cross Country, Bowling, Wrestling, etc.
Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school?
Gardening club, pals, newspaper, yearbook, AVID, twilight club, gossip girl club, rock climbing.
What are the school colors?
Blue, white, black
What is the theme of the book?
"Our Vibe" is the theme of the yearbook
What thematic elements are present throughout the book?
They have a vibe type thing that looks similar to a radio signal. Lots of bold colors are used.
How many years has the book been published?
57 years
Who is the editor-in-chief of the book?
Leslie Green and Zoey Lichtenheld
Who is the advisor?
Rhonda Moore
What is your favorite spread in the book?
My favorite is the student life spread.
What do you like about this book?
I like that it really captures the entire school and school life. It covers everything from music, fashion, and academics. I like the spreads and all of the colors they used.
What would you change if you were working on that book?
I really like the yearbook. However, I would probably add a couple of pages that are solely dedicated to just illustrating students and student life. I would use only pictures and not have any text besides the caption with the names.
Would you like to go to that school?
Yeah, the school seems really diverse and fun.
Why would you or would you not like to go to that school?
I like that the school is very diverse and there seems like there is a lot of different people that go there. I could meet people with all sorts of interests. The school also has lots of student activities and clubs.
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