- Broad Sheet: a longer newspaper style
- Tabloid: much wider and shorter style
The flag: the name of your publication - every good newspaper should have this! *can include a photo*
Folio: Includes the name of school/city, a slogan, and the date. Also include the name of the section and the page #.
Headlines: Large texts that grab your attention.-always complete sentences (without punctuation at the end)
Captions: There are 3 parts to a caption
- every photo must have a caption
- Caption head: attention grabber (complete sentence)
- Caption itself: must be 2 sentences long
- 1st sentence: to describe action scene in photo. Should always be written in present tense.
- 2nd sentence: Gives you background information pertaining to the photo.
- Photo credit
-The Jump tells you where to find the story
Story Divider: a thin line between stories
Infographic: a graphic with information. They can be a chart, bar graph,
Index: where the page sections begin
Volume & Issue #:
Journalistic Decision Making:
- What stories they will include in the newspaper
- Where the stories go
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