Monday, April 16, 2012

Student of the Month Interview

 What is your name and grade? 

Nick O'Donald, 11th Grade

What did you do to become Student of the Month?
I completed all of my work and did good in all my classes and paid attention.

How do you feel about being an example for other students in your school?
It feels pretty good!

Would you recommend other students to be student of the month? Why or why not?
No, because it's not much fun, you don't get much privileges
What advice would you give to those who want to become student of the month?
You should work hard, help out others, and do good in classes.

Did a teacher or parent recommend you apply for student of the month?
No, I did this on my own.

Based on your experience, would you want to be student of the month again?
Probably not, because it's a lot of responsibility

Are there any requirements to become student of the month? Grades, extracurricular activities, etc,
Yes, you have to get A's and B's.

Has being student of the month increased the amount of stress in your life? 
No, not really it is still the same.

Do you have more responsibilities being "student of the month"?
Yes, I have to set a good example for others at my school.

Has this position changed your view on the school and life in general?
Nope, I still think of everything as the same.

How did your friends, family, and teachers react when they found out you were chosen?
They were really happy and wanted to celebrate

What is one benefit of being student of the month?
You get to be popular and people notice you

What do you think is one negative of being "student of the month"?
You can't really enjoy yourself as much.

Since receiving this reward, have you changed your attitude around your peers. Have you become more positive or negative?
No not at all, I still act the same.

What are some of your goals before finishing off your position as student of the month?
Make the school a better place to attend.

Do you have plans after high school? If so, what do you plant to do?
Yes, I want to go to college and move out.

Have your grades improved since getting this position?
Yes, I now have straight A's in all my classes.

Have you become closer to the administration, faculty, and your teachers since becoming student of the month?  What has changed.
Yes, my teachers know me now and they love me.

Finally, what piece of advice would you give to anyone new to this school? 
Do your best and keep working hard to succeed. 

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