F4: I think that this F stop looks best at 1/500 sec.
The background is pretty much blurry and all you can see is the couple.
F5.6: this photo looks best at 1/60 of a second.
The background is a bit more visible, however it is still blurry and the subjects are unclear.
F8: This photo looks best at 1/60th sec.
The background is now somewhat visible and you can tell there are buildings behind the couple.
F11: This photo looks best at 1/60th sec.
The background is now pretty much clear and there is a bunch of buildings and windows.
F16: This photo looks best at 1/30th sec.
The background is completely clear and you can now see both the couple and the setting.
F22: This photo looks best at 1/8th sec.
The background is again still visible and clear.
What is happening to the people themselves at slow Shutter Speeds?
The people are pretty much the same at all shutter speeds, however they either get more pixelated or blurry as the shutter speeds change.
What could the photographer do to help combat this problem?
The photographer could shoot in the same setting and use a tripod to eliminate any other unwanted changing factors. -
What is the lowest Shutter Speed do you think a photographer can hand-hold the camera?
Slowest shutter speed might be 1/80th.
Camera Sim: Last Stop
How well did you do?
On the first quiz i missed only 3. I feel like i understand how to determine the F stop and their purpose.
On the 2nd quiz i scored 92% and feel like i understand shutter speed really well.
Do you understand Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO better now?
Yes, i believe i understand these photography components much better now. However, i'm still a little unclear about aperture.
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