Tuesday, May 22, 2012

News Briefs

Who: Travis Logan - Senior
What: He is the 1st Place winner at district DECA competition
When: About 2 weeks ago
Where: Union College
Why: His goal is to take first in state competition and then go to nationals
How: He will compete in state competition in April. 

Summary lead, version 1

Local students placed in DECA competition held at Union College. 
Summary lead, version 2

Travis Logan placed first at DECA competition and other students won honorable mention. 
Summary lead, version 3

A win at the local DECA competition allows senior, Travis Logan, to head to State competition. 

Story (2 to 3 paragraphs)

Students competed in the local DECA competition, where many of them dominated the competition. Travis Logan, a senior, took first place in visual merchandising. Other winners included, Dee Contreras, who placed second in a written test. Duncan Pfiffer, took home honorable mention in role play. Logan looks forward to moving on to State competition, with hopes of making the national competition in Florida. 

Who: Girls in grade 10-12
What: Come out to Color Guard try-outs 
When: Tuesday May 25th through Thursday May 27th
Where: On School campus on the west side parking lot. 
Why: Those interested in joining marching band in the fall 
How: Girls can come out and audition and if chosen they will be part of Color Guard next school year. 

Summary lead, version 1

Akins High School holds auditions for girls, grades 10th-12th, for Akins Color Guard Squad.

Summary lead, version 2

Color Guard try-outs were held during Tuesday and Thursday of this May. 

Summary lead, version 3

Ms. Barker is looking for a talented group of girls in grades tenth through twelfth to join her Color Guard squad during the 2012-2013 school year. 

Story (2 to 3 paragraphs)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Architecture Photos






News Lead


Rosenbergs' Sons

They were famous orphans because their parents were killed during the Cold War in Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets.

June 18, 1953

Sing Sing, Ossing, New York

They were celebrating their parent's 14th anniversary.

They wanted to prove that their parent's were innocent and that they didn't deserve to die.

They were the most famous orphans of the cold war, only 6 and 10 years old in 1953 when their parents were executed at Sing Sing for delivering atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. Then they were whisked from an unwanted limelight to urban anonymity and eventually to suburban obscurity.

New Lead:
The famous orphans during the cold war were very young at the age of 6 and 10 in 1953, when there parents were executed for giving out atomic-bomb secrets to the Soviet Union. Now they are trying to prove their parents innocence.


Comic book collectors

 The original  "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, which is a superman comic book is for sale after being untouched.

 Present Day

 New York

 Comic book collectors know that this limited "untouched" edition of the comic book will make big bucks for all the die hard comic book collectors out there.

They plan to sell it on comicconnect.com

After being hidden away for years, a copy of the original "Action Comics No. 1" comic book, featuring Superman and friends, will make a comeback -- to the tune of about $400,000, a comic expert told CNN Thursday.
New Lead:
The original, "Action Comics No. 1" comic, will return at an anticipated price of $400,000. 

Test Post

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Architecture Shoot Preview

Trip to France

1.) This photo meets the requirements of a detailed architecture photo. Instead of getting a wide shot of the building, the photographer decided to zoom in the photo and focus on the details of the eiffel tower. You can see the many details that were required in building this tower.

Palladio’s dream

2.) This photo follows the rule of lighting for architecture photos. This is a dramatic photo because of the way the artificial lighting is being shown. The photographer also took this from a unique angle that really displays the lighting well. The lighting bounces off the ceiling and walls to make the room look dramatic.

Void of Silence

3.) This photo follows the rule of patterns because there is a repeated pattern in the walkway of this building. This creates a dynamic photo and makes the building look a million miles long! It also lets in natural lighting in the opening of the archways.

SOH Sails

4.) This building follows the rule of shapes and angles. This building has an unusual shape and the photographer uses this as an opportunity to capture a beautiful image. Instead of having just right angles, there are multiple angles being shown in this picture.

Hohenzollern Bridge and the Dome of Cologne

5.) This photo shows the rule of surroundings. By capturing the building with the bridge and water, it really brings out the building and creates a stunning image.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Architecture Blog

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Frank Gehry
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Bilbao, Spain
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
This was actually turned into a museum, so you can visit!
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
I searched on Google and I could not find any information that mentioned how much it cost. 
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
They had an idea to open a museum but they also wanted the building to be daring and innovative. 
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I picked this building because I really liked how many different shapes were in the building. This isn't just your conventional building instead it takes risk with the architecture. I think that it makes an even bigger impact because it is located in an isolated spot on a river. 

File:Casa Milà - Barcelona, Spain - Jan 2007.jpg

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Antonio Gaudi
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
Barcelona, Spain
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
It is a public building and they offer tours and visits. 
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
It was actually built for the married couple that lived in Spain named, Roser Segimon and Pere Milà. The building was known for its innovative work and steel structure. 
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because I really liked the way it looked. It almost looked like the front of the building was melting, yet it was still able to support the roof. Overall the building looks really innovative and it would be a great place to visit someday. 

File:Beijing NCPA.JPG

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Paul Andreu
2. When was it built?
Started in December 2001, and opened on December 2007
3. Where is it located?
Beijing, China
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
It is a public building and is a performing arts center. 
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
It cost around 3.2 billion CNY. 
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
It was built to be an opera house and is now a performing arts center. The building has an opera hall, music hall, and theater hall. 
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because it really shocked me when i first saw it. I thought this was some sort of high-tech ship/boat when  I first saw the picture. I really like that it seems like the building goes underwater and makes it seem like you are in the water. I think the building looks really pretty at night when the lights are shining and the reflection hits the water .

File:Atomium 20-08-07.jpg

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Andre Waterkeyn
2. When was it built?
Completed in 1958
3. Where is it located?
Brussels, Belgium
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
This is a public building and it hosts exhibitions. 
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
No, there is no information mentioning the exact cost to build this, however it does mention that they often have to renovate the building which adds to the original cost to build. 
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
It was originally built for Expo '58 in the 1958 Brussels World Fair. 
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because at first sight it does not look like a building and it does not look like there is an inside. It also looks like a ferris wheel. I really like that the entire building is stainless steel. I would love to be able to reach the top of the building and look out. 

1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
Tom Wright 
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
DubaiUnited Arab Emirates
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
It is public, it is a luxury hotel
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
It cost around $650 million to build. 
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
The building was created into a hotel and it is one of the tallest hotels in the world. It has become an iconic symbol similar to buildings like the Eifffel tower.
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
I chose this building because i was immediately drawn to it's beautiful structure and height. I also really like that the building resembles a ship. When i saw pictures of the inside, it looked extremely luxurious and like a great hotel to stay at. The building is really pretty and also located on an artificial lake. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Inverted Pyramid

News Elements





Human interest:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 W's and H's

Story 1:

 Passengers aboard a flight from Canada and the pilot.

A pilot fell asleep while flying a plane and mistook another oncoming airplane for the planet Venus. It caused the plane to change altitude rapidly and lose control.

January 14, 2011

Air Canada flight 878 from Toronto to Zurich, Switzerland

This happened because the pilot fell asleep and felt ill while flying the plane.

After taking a 72 minute nap, the pilot woke up feeling uneasy and ill. He mistook the planet Venus for another plane and caused the plane to drop altitude. This caused passengers to hit the roof and fall out their seats.

Story 2:

A six year old, Salecia Johnson and police officer

Police handcuffed and arrested a 6 year old boy at his elementary.

 Tuesday April 17th, 2012

 In Georgia, at Creekside Elementary.

 Police say Salecia was throwing a tantrum and damaging school property.

She was screaming and crying in the principals office and creating a disturbance to the school. Police took action and arrested her.

Story 3:

 Austin Fisher

Fisher will end up graduating high school after a much long debate.

 Monday afternoon, April 16th

Carrollton (Ohio) School District

Administration originally banned fisher from walking at his graduation with his classmates because he had two too many school absences. However, the superintendent reversed the decision in a rapid vote.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Student of the Month Interview

 What is your name and grade? 

Nick O'Donald, 11th Grade

What did you do to become Student of the Month?
I completed all of my work and did good in all my classes and paid attention.

How do you feel about being an example for other students in your school?
It feels pretty good!

Would you recommend other students to be student of the month? Why or why not?
No, because it's not much fun, you don't get much privileges
What advice would you give to those who want to become student of the month?
You should work hard, help out others, and do good in classes.

Did a teacher or parent recommend you apply for student of the month?
No, I did this on my own.

Based on your experience, would you want to be student of the month again?
Probably not, because it's a lot of responsibility

Are there any requirements to become student of the month? Grades, extracurricular activities, etc,
Yes, you have to get A's and B's.

Has being student of the month increased the amount of stress in your life? 
No, not really it is still the same.

Do you have more responsibilities being "student of the month"?
Yes, I have to set a good example for others at my school.

Has this position changed your view on the school and life in general?
Nope, I still think of everything as the same.

How did your friends, family, and teachers react when they found out you were chosen?
They were really happy and wanted to celebrate

What is one benefit of being student of the month?
You get to be popular and people notice you

What do you think is one negative of being "student of the month"?
You can't really enjoy yourself as much.

Since receiving this reward, have you changed your attitude around your peers. Have you become more positive or negative?
No not at all, I still act the same.

What are some of your goals before finishing off your position as student of the month?
Make the school a better place to attend.

Do you have plans after high school? If so, what do you plant to do?
Yes, I want to go to college and move out.

Have your grades improved since getting this position?
Yes, I now have straight A's in all my classes.

Have you become closer to the administration, faculty, and your teachers since becoming student of the month?  What has changed.
Yes, my teachers know me now and they love me.

Finally, what piece of advice would you give to anyone new to this school? 
Do your best and keep working hard to succeed. 

    Assignment #1: School Uniforms Questions

    1. List three different sources you could interview for this topic.
    • Superintendent of AISD
    • Principle of school- Mr. Gerard
    • Student at Akins High School

    2. Create 20 questions you could ask each source and post them on your blog. It will be the same 20 questions for each, so you only have to think of 20 total questions.

    1. Why do you think the district has enforced students to wear uniforms?
    2. Do you support or oppose this change in dress code?
    3. What does your ideal 'dress code' consist of?
    4. Do you think uniforms will improve student's performance at school?
    5. How do you think students and parents will react when they hear about the change?
    6. Do you think this will cause student's to rebel and perform poorly in their school work?
    7. What are the benefits of having a dress code?
    8. What will be the negative effects of having an enforced dress code across the district?
    9. Do you believe that enforcing students to wear uniforms is too strict?
    10. What are your thoughts on the effects of having uniforms, and it's effect on student's individuality?
    11. Would you want your future children to have school uniforms?
    12. Whose idea do you think it was to have school uniforms? Students, parents, faculty?
    13. Are school uniforms fair? Think about the students that always follow dress code and those that don't.
    14. Will having school uniforms decrease the amount of school fights?
    15. Will school uniforms create less bullying because everyone is now dressed the same?
    16. How would you react if you were the parent of these students? Would you approve or disapprove?
    17. Will uniforms be beneficial to those who can't afford new clothing every year?
    18. Will having uniforms cause less distractions in school and class?
    19. Do you think school uniforms will unite and bring the school together?
    20. What do you think should be the punishments if a student comes to school without the uniform?

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Caption and Evaluation Practice

    Caption: On the morning of September 11, 2012 Tyson Taylor ignites a molotov cocktail during mid-day. Taylor set the bomb off because he was upset at the newly appointed president in his country.

    This photo follows the symmetry and patterns rule. This photo meets this rule because there is a repetition of floating candles in the ceiling and there is a clear pattern being shown.

    This photo follows the rule of thirds and balancing elements rules. This photo meets the rule of thirds because the subject is not directly in the middle of the picture instead they are positioned towards the right side of the photo. By positioning the subject to the right this balances the photo, which meets the balancing elements rule. Also it follows the rule of background. There is a simple background that does not distract away from the subject.

    This photo follows the rule: leading lines. The lines in the photo lead the viewer's eye towards the subject, which in this case can be either the horses or they can lead the viewer's eyes towards the mountains in the background.

    Sports/Action Shoot Finale

    Photo 1: Nick frantically runs across the courtyard to catch the bouncing ball. Nick was playing a game of two square and he lost control of the ball.

    Photo 2: Marina rushes across the field to keep the ball. Nick was behind her trying to steal the ball away from her.

    Photo 3:Nick jumps to catch the flying frisbee. Nick enjoyed a game of catch the frisbee with fellow classmates during a nice sunny day outside.

    Photo 4: Nick hops across the field to avoid getting hit by the tennis ball. He was previously hit in the head twice and was determined to stay away from the ball.

    Wednesday, March 21, 2012

    Touching People

    1. What do you think about this project and photo essay?
    I think this is a interesting project, however if i were the people in the photos i would be creeped out by the idea of touching a complete stranger. Most of the people in these photos look uncomfortable and awkward. I like that the photographer is thinking outside the box and trying to be creative.

    2. What would you do if someone approached you with a camera and asked you to participate in a photo shoot and then asked you to touch a stranger?

    I would be completely weirded out by the idea of having to touch a person I didn't know. I probably would end up participating in the photo shoot if I were able to see the person in advance and make sure that they don't look too creepy.

    3. Think of an unusual photo shoot similar to this one that you think would be fun to go and shoot.
    I think a fun unusual photo shoot would be one where people are placed in settings that they should not be in. For example, a baseball player in their full uniform standing by the alter at a wedding, or a priest in the middle of a rock concert. Photos like this would be funny, interesting, and something outside the box.

    4. Finally, tell me what you thought of the photography, did the photographer think about the rules of photography that you know about? What types of photos did he take? 
    I don't think the photographer took into consideration the rules of photography. Most of the photos have the same composition which consists of the two main figures placed in the center of the photo. He took portraits of these people and some are in landscape view. Overall the photographer could have used more interesting angles of points of views for his photos.  

    Sports/Action more details

    1.) Name of photographer - Jordan Murph

    General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)- sports

    List three problems that the judges note with the portfolio -

    -sort of repetitive with the photos and content
    -one photo is missing a main subject/object
    -some photos have bad composition
    List two things the judges like-

    - great action shots
    -really good composition and lighting to make a photo unique and intriguing.
    What is your overall impression? What did you like or not like?
    -Overall i really like this photographer because they have really good sports and action shots. The photographer includes photos with really cool lighting and it makes the photo more dynamic. 

    What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?
    They mentioned that he had good composition and didn't include pictures that repeated the same thing or concept. Good job at capturing motion photos and he had everyone in the photo performing an action.

    What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?

    Strengths include a unique point of view and interesting photos with new concepts. Weaknesses are that some of the photos look a bit staged and posed for. Other than that this is a really strong portfolio.

    3.) Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.
    They went back through all of their favorite portfolios and narrowed it down to whose portfolio made more sense and told an interesting story. They made sure that the story was made obvious with all the photos included and that there wasn't any photos that were just thrown in the portfolio.

    Part 2:

    1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it.There's one photo where a boxer is in the midst of getting punched and the judges say that it is in an awkward position and I agree with them. I also agree that this is an overall interesting photo because of the content and motion.
    2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong. 

    One photo i do not agree with the judges on is a photo with a race car going at a really fast speed and part of the photo is blurry. The judges say that this photo is not dynamic and they don't like the content. However, I really like this photo and think the photographer uses a unique angle to make the photo interesting.  


    Monday, March 19, 2012

    Japanese Earthquake

    When i look at this picture, I instantly feel sad and have a feeling of isolation. The people are walking and observing the ruins of their hometown. There is leading lines and symmetry.  

    This picture is intriguing because the photographer uses leading lines to engage the viewer. I also like how there is a lot of shadows which creates  a sense of terror and suspense. 
     This picture shows how many people went to go out and help those affected by the disaster in Japan. The photographer uses a rule of composition which is balance. Instead of placing the lead figure in the center, he places the figure more towards the right side of the photo which makes the photo look more interesting.

    Monday, February 27, 2012

    Newspaper Design Notes

    2 sizes of newspapers:
    • Broad Sheet: a longer newspaper style
    • Tabloid: much wider and shorter style 
    Jumps: when an article starts on the front page and then continues on the inside
    The flag: the name of your publication - every good newspaper should have this! *can include a photo*
    Folio: Includes the name of school/city, a slogan, and the date. Also include the name of the section and the page #.
    Headlines:  Large texts that grab your attention.-always complete sentences (without punctuation at the end)
    Captions: There are 3 parts to a caption
    • every photo must have a caption
    • Caption head: attention grabber (complete sentence)
    • Caption itself: must be 2 sentences long
      • 1st sentence: to describe action scene in photo. Should always be written in present tense.
      • 2nd sentence: Gives you background information pertaining to the photo.
    • Photo credit
    Byline: Contains the name of the writer and their position.
    -The Jump tells you where to find the story
    Story Divider: a thin line between stories
    Infographic: a graphic with information. They can be a chart, bar graph,
    Index: where the page sections begin  
    Volume & Issue #: 
    Journalistic Decision Making: 
    • What stories they will include in the newspaper
    • Where the stories go

    Front Pages of the World

     What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why?
    My favorite newspaper front page is The Boston Globe from Boston,MA. I really like the layout of this newspaper and how they chose to place the photos in the center. The photos stand out and make an impact.

    What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it?
    My favorite headline from this newspaper is the one that states: Third Monkey dies at Harvard Research Center. This one caught my eye and made me want to read the article. I'm interested in it because this is not something you see everyday.

    How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? 
    There are 11 stores on the front page of your favorite.

    What do you  notice that all newspaper front pages have in common?
    They all have multiple photos and several headlines that will catch a reader's attention. They use color photos to make the cover stand out more.

    What are things that vary on the front pages of different newspapers?  
    The main things that varies is the layout of the newspaper. Some newspapers have several stories positions to the side and some have them in the center. Some newspapers also only have one story with only one picture. 

    Monday, January 30, 2012

    Yearbook Assignment

    School name: McCallum High School

    School location, exact location:
    5600 Sunshine Drive  Austin, TX 78756

    School size: big school around, 2,000 students

    How many pages is the book? 256 pages

    How many sections are in the book? 7 sections

    List the sections in the book 
    Student Life
    The Arts

    What sports are played at that school?
    Basketball, Softball, Baseball, Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, Volleyball, FOotball, Track, Cross Country, Bowling, Wrestling, etc.

    Give me a list of some of the clubs a student could join at that school?
    Gardening club, pals, newspaper, yearbook, AVID, twilight club, gossip girl club, rock climbing.

    What are the school colors?
    Blue, white, black

    What is the theme of the book?
    "Our Vibe" is the theme of the yearbook

    What thematic elements are present throughout the book?
    They have a vibe type thing that looks similar to a radio signal. Lots of bold colors are used.

    How many years has the book been published?

    57 years

    Who is the editor-in-chief of the book?

    Leslie Green and Zoey Lichtenheld

    Who is the advisor?

    Rhonda Moore

    What  is your favorite spread in the book?
    My favorite is the student life spread.

    What do you like about this book?
    I like that it really captures the entire school and school life. It covers everything from music, fashion, and academics. I like the spreads and all of the colors they used.

    What would you change if you were working on that book?
    I really like the yearbook. However, I would probably add a couple of pages that are solely dedicated to just illustrating students and student life. I would use only pictures and not have any text besides the caption with the names.

    Would you like to go to that school?

    Yeah, the school seems really diverse and fun.

    Why would you or would you not like to go to that school?
    I like that the school is very diverse and there seems like there is a lot of different people that go there. I could meet people with all sorts of interests. The school also has lots of student activities and clubs. 

    Magazine Cover

    Tuesday, January 24, 2012

    Happy Akins Building photos

    I think this relates to the theme word, Akins, because this exemplifies every student at Akins. We are all eagles and I chose this photo because I thought it was simple but pretty. 

    I think this relates to the theme word, Happy, because the subject has a smile on her face but it is not so obvious. She is doing what she loves which is photography. I think this is a really good shot because the lighting hits her hair perfectly and it is a very dynamic photo.
     I think this relates to theme word, Building, because it has leading lines that lead to the entrance of the building. I like this photo because it creates shadows and is pretty.

    Friday, January 20, 2012

    Magazine Covers Throughout the Years

    The main attributes for early magazine covers are that they didn't necessarily look like the magazine covers of today. They most resembled a book cover with a title and table of contents. Sometimes they would include an illustration that was supposed to be symbolic. The poster cover was mostly known for not using any words and allowing the photo to speak for itself. The magazine cover only include a title and the photo. The pictures married to type main attributes are offering lots of headlines and subheadlines to get the viewer's attention. This is helpful when someone is passing a magazine and sees a headline that sticks out and makes them want to purchase the magazine. Magazines that are considered "in the forest of words" contain headlines that are actually larger than the actual title of the magazine. This helps the magazine get more readers and sell more in a competitive field.

    Wednesday, January 11, 2012

    Year in Review

    I chose this photo because I really like all of the colors that are in the photo. I also like how the background is very dynamic.
       I Chose this photo because I think it is funny and cute how the little boy is interacting with the soldier. I also like the simplicity of the photo.

    I really like this photo because of all the snow and I like how the photo is sort of mysterious. I also like how the cars create a line to an unknown place.

    1. Best Song of 2011: Hello Cold World- Paramore
      1. This was my favorite song of 2011 because this is a very upbeat and fun song. Paramore is also one of my favorite bands and this is one of their latest songs that they have released during 2011. I like the beat and the lyrics of the song. Overall there were many choices to pick, but this was one of my all time favorites.
    2. Best Movie of 2011: HARRY POTTER!! (deathly hollows part 2)
      1. Well this has to be the best movie of 2011, because it was the final Harry Potter movie. This book/movie series has been around for an entire decade and has dominated the box office. I thought this was movie was a perfect way to end the series. It was very dramatic and stayed similar to the books. I'm a huge harry potter fan, so I was excited when the final movie finally came out.
    3. Most important news story of the year? - Steve Jobs
      1. It was devastating to find out that Steve Jobs had died during the year 2011. He was the face of apple and all of their products, so to find out that he died was very sad. This was one of the stories that I remember having the most reactions to.

    4.) Biggest Entertainment PErson- Demi Lovato- Out of Rehab
    The biggest entertainment person for me was Demi Lovato. She made a comback from her dramatic breakdown earlier in the year. She was sent to rehab for personal problems including an eating disorder. However, she came back by releasing her new album which was very emotional. The album skyrocketed in music charts. She also came back by speaking out against bullying and doing more campaigns.

    1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.

    Something that I will remember is a gift that I got this christmas. I finally got the new iphone 4s! This is a great gift and I love the camera and using siri.

    2. What are your resolutions for the 2012 year?

    My resolution are too get good grades, graduate, go to college, and drink less soda!

    3. What are you looking forward to in 2012?

    GRADUATING!!...and starting my college years hopefully in NYC! :)